
Last modified by Ashterix on 2024/05/12 20:35

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 Category  Api
 Type  Symfony Bundle
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 License  https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-green?labelColor=7b8185

Package for Easy Creation of API via JSON-RPC Server

Creating RPC services for service-oriented architecture on Symfony has never been easier.

This package makes it easy to create an API using a JSON-RPC server for Symfony v.6.* and later. It is suitable for developers who want to quickly and efficiently integrate RPC functionality into their projects.

Key Benefits

  • Ease of Integration: Integrating this package into your project is extremely straightforward. You simply need to add a special interface to any existing class, and it will automatically gain the capability to handle JSON-RPC requests.
  • Flexibility: The package provides great flexibility in API creation, allowing developers to easily extend and modify server behavior without interfering with existing code.
  • Efficiency: Thanks to the optimization of calls and the use of modern Symfony components, the package guarantees high performance when processing requests.

Documentation sections

You can find detailed information about every aspect of using and configuring the library in