UFO Tech

Last modified by Ashterix on 2024/05/19 18:06


Welcome to the UFO Tech Documentation Portal

UFO Tech, or Universal Flexible Open Technologies, is an initiative aimed at providing PHP developers with tools to create complex yet user-friendly solutions for modern web applications and service-oriented architectures.


My goal is to simplify the development process of high-functionality services that can easily integrate into any project, regardless of its complexity.

I strive to provide developers not only with tools but also with the knowledge to use these tools most effectively.

Why Use My Libraries?

My libraries greatly simplify the integration process of complex systems, minimizing the need for manual labor and ensuring a high level of adaptability and security.

This is the perfect choice for projects that require high flexibility and open-source solutions.


All my code is distributed under the MIT License, which permits use in both commercial and non-commercial projects.

Unless specified otherwise in a particular library

Learn More

In the Documentation section, you will find detailed instructions, code examples, and best practices to make using my libraries as comfortable as possible.

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